Things I’ve Learnt in my First Year of Living With a Boyfriend

It’s been almost a year since my boyfriend and I moved in together. Blissful harmony? Mostly. Ridiculous squabbles? Certainly. Here’s what I’ve learned from 12 months of living with my man.

The face towel by the sink is not safe

In my former home with my bathroom all to myself, I could confidently dry my face on the little towel by the sink knowing it was a face towel. Now, I think twice. After a few short months of living together, I walked into our bathroom to find my boyfriend drying his bum on the towel I use to dry my freshly cleansed face.

Protein powder takes up a lot of space

When we moved in, I considered the ideal layout for our kitchen cupboards. Tins fit perfectly here, cereal boxes were stacked neatly over there, and dried rice and pasta were stored in this section. Then my boyfriend presented his protein powder. The tins, cereal and pasta are now tightly packed in a space half the size I envisaged.

What constitutes “clean” can vary from person to person

If I want the floor under the bin and the skirting cleaned, that’s my job.

Though certain chores can be assigned to The Man of the House

Farewell bin duty. Adios emptying the hoover. Bon voyage cleaning the cobwebs from the porch.

Toilet seat arguments are such a cliché

“Babe, you left the loo seat up again.”

“Babe, please put it down.”

“For fuck’s sake, Babe.”

“Why do I bother?!”

Facial hair has an uncanny ability to get everywhere

Once I’ve cleaned the bathroom, my boyfriend thinks it’s the perfect condition for him to shave… and then leave hair sprinkled all over the sink, floor and surrounding surfaces.

There’s an endless supply of shaving cream

When I’ve forgotten to buy shaving gel, I’ll find some in my boyfriend’s bathroom cabinet. It might not be full of aloe vera goodness, but at least I can shave my legs.

The laundry basket is like a goal – aimed for yet sometimes missed

Socks and pants lay bundled on the floor while the basket stays half-full for a few days.

Luxury beauty products run out quicker than expected

I’ve noticed my expensive bathroom products don’t last as long anymore. Maybe it’s payback for the shaving gel I use.

Photo by Soroush Karimi on Unsplash

2 Comments Add yours

  1. nora girl says:

    Fun read! After 21 years of living together…his facial hair still gets everywhere when he shaves and somehow, he just doesn’t see it! The joys of cohabitation ❤

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Ha, how funny. 21 years is good going…!


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