Declining Giving Someone Your Number

Dating apps are a great way to connect with potential love interests, whether locally or if you’re exploring further afield. Yet before long, someone is bound to want to take the conversation off the platform and probably onto WhatsApp. Guidance on being safe while online dating advises not to share your number with someone you…

Fed Up With Traditional Dating Apps? Try This

Anyone who’s been on dating apps for more than a hot minute knows that frustration and apathy often accompany them. Once the initial excitement of sexy local singles abates, you’re left with a disappointing array of profiles. Before long, you find yourself sighing at profiles that question whether pineapple belongs on pizza, claim anonymity “for…

5 Ways to Get Guys to Respond on Bumble

I wrote this five years ago… Considering I’m still on Bumble (and Googled this question this morning), I thought I should update the post. I’ve tried nearly all the dating sites and apps, and Bumble is probably one of the best apps for dating. I’ve successfully spoken to guys, interested them enough to pursue a…

Not Quite The Threesome I Was Expecting…

I hate January. And at the risk of being dramatic, I definitely hate it more the most people. Let me explain… The run-up to Christmas is great fun: there are Christmas drinks with friends fun dates with fellow singletons in a bid to have a Christmas shag when I’ve been in a relationship, we do…

Three Girls, One App.

When you have three vivacious single women looking for summer fun on the same dating apps whilst living at the same postcode, there’s bound to be some crossover with potential matches. And after one housemate unintentionally matched with another’s ex, we quickly learnt to keep each other in the loop with who’s chatting to whom….

Hope Above All Else

Something strange happened recently: a random number messaged me on WhatsApp. Usually, when I exchange numbers with someone I’ve been speaking with (on- or offline) I save their number in my phone or they send a message not long after so I can save theirs. There were no hangers-on in the dating apps I was…

Love and Lust in Lockdown: An education.

Lockdown has got many of us feeling hot under the collar and frisky between the sheets.  To find out how lockdown has impacted our love and lusting, I’m getting intimate with interviews.   Seb, 33. What is your relationship status? Single.   Describe your love-life in one word. Untraditional.   Who have you been quarantining…

Lockdown Frustrations

Lockdown is still in place. The horny single people are still horny and single. Some of us have caved and messaged or slept with an ex. Some of us have snogged and shagged our friends; lines have blurred.

Behind Closed Doors

During times of isolation with arguably too much time to think, we often assess what’s important to us. For some, this is explicitly figuring out our wants and needs by making lists and talking with friends, and for others, this might be an internal dialogue – giving ourselves time to re-evaluate things in our lives. For…