Love and Lust in Lockdown: Adventures to cum.

Lockdown has got many of us feeling hot under the collar and frisky between the sheets.  To find out how lockdown has impacted our love and lusting, I’m getting intimate with interviews.


Holly, 28.

What is your relationship status?


Describe your love-life in one word.


Who have you been quarantining with?

The family.

Has the lockdown impacted your sex life, if so – how?

I split from my boyfriend prior to lockdown (for reasons unrelated to COVID) and I’m living back in the family home – so it’s been an arid few months.  Although, I have felt more liberated and courageous to explore my sexuality (no doubt because my sex-drive has been through the roof).

Have any of your desires/fantasies changed during the lockdown?

I’ve certainly discovered more of my submissive side.  I’ve always considered myself a Switch in the bedroom and I usually wear the trousers in a relationship.  Once lockdown restrictions ease off, I’m intrigued to see how sub I’ll go in a sexual relationship.

Describe your lockdown experience in three words.

Creative.  Wet.  Frustrating.

What have you missed the most about ‘normal life’?

Living in Brighton.  Going for dinner and drinks.  Wearing dresses and heels (because let’s be honest – most of us are living in gym gear, jumpers or jeans, at a push).

What coping mechanisms have you adopted during the lockdown?

To make up for the fact I can’t meet anyone for dates, I’ve been messaging more potential partners than usual.  In some ways, it’s nice to have the lockdown as a buffer-zone to filter out the guys and girls I wouldn’t want to date, despite initial attractions.  I also expected to have very little content for writing (after all, I write a sex and dating blog) but I’ve been more creative than I imagined.  Oh, and I’ve also developed a borderline-addiction to porn.

Has the pandemic changed the way you approach love and romantic relationships?

Not massively, but I’ll probably be more open with a partner about what turns me on rather than waiting until the honeymoon phase ends and feeling sexually unsatisfied.  I’ve learnt that the right kind of sex in a relationship is more important to me than I had previously thought.

What are your hopes for love after lockdown?

Firstly, I’m looking forward to meeting the people I’ve formed a virtual connection with, even if it doesn’t amount to anything more than an average first date.  It’s frustrating having that lingering thirst that never gets quenched.  I’m also excited to explore new sexual avenues and fulfil some fantasies.


Image by Bellezza87 on Pixabay.